Kiwi Rider October 2024 Vol.2 | Page 26

TIME TO RIDE Most riders take around 1-1.5 hours to ride the main Napoleon Hill route . It is common to spend a little longer as there are many impressive sights worth stopping to check out – most notably the tunnels . If you want to include Mosquito Creek Track , add on another 45 minutes to 1 hour .
COSTS AND PERMISSION There is a $ 20 cost to riding this track however the cost is worth every penny . Like most West Coast tracks , it is regularly hammered by harsh weather causing slips and windfall . The
landowners , Robyn and Malcolm Smith , invest significant time and money each year to keep the track open . The small $ 20 fee helps with these costs and is a bargain for access to such an amazing and unique area . If you want to ride Mosquito Creek Track too , this crosses a separate private station and has an additional $ 10 access cost . Again , this access fee is worth every cent . Both tracks required