Kiwi Rider July 2024 Vol.2 | Page 40

The Team were L to R : Jono Hill , Craig Mayo , Paul Watt , Darren Mayo , Trevor Power , Rowan Watt , Karl Power , Chris Power , Gerred Bowden , Peter Finnegan , Chris Cole , Bruce Nielsen . Front : Greg Power , Larry Terry , Chris Stephens
and the creek crossings treacherous . Whilst each individual section was rideable by our experienced crew , it was the km after km of this Romaniacs-level track that took a heavy toll on the energy levels of the less prepared . Regular regroups were welcome respites for some , while the more agile ( read ‘ younger ’) were keen to push on . Shane stopped at the more difficult areas only to find the crew making it to the top , mostly without incident . And the likes of Chris , Jono , Karl and Rowan teased the rest by tackling the most difficult routes , the steepest climbs and the largest of logs . The competition had started . Throughout the trail remnants of huge boilers , sluices and foundations were scattered along the way with their rusty evidence exposing what was once a thriving gold field . Sadly , we had to push on to make the rendezvous with the support truck that had our stretchers , clothes and tucker . Close to the end of the road we struck some