Kiwi Rider September 2024 Vol.1 | Page 31

become a bit tiring after several hours on the road . That said , if you ’ re up for the challenge and can appreciate the minimalist approach , the Suzuki will still get you where you want to go , and you ’ ll enjoy the ride along the way . One of the other tests I wanted to do was to see how the GSX-8S performs on a Moto- Gymkhana course . For those unfamiliar , Moto- Gymkhana is essentially a test of how fast you can navigate a tight cone course without dropping the bike . It ’ s a challenging and thrilling discipline that requires precise control , quick reflexes , and a deep understanding of your motorcycle . The courses can range from simple figure-eights to full-on three-minute conecarving madness , where every second counts ,
and the smallest mistake can cost you dearly . The riders who excel at Moto-Gymkhana are true masters of motorcycle control . They seamlessly engage both the front and rear brakes , balance the friction point of the clutch , and lean the bike over to peg-scraping angles with confidence , all while maintaining total control . Another crucial aspect of Moto- Gymkhana is the ability to memorise the course in a short amount of time . These riders must have the memory of an elephant , able to recall exactly which cones to circle around , which to pass on the left , and which to pass on the right , all the while maintaining speed and precision . On paper , the GSX-8S seems like it should be pretty good at this kind of tight , twisty riding .