Kiwi Rider September 2024 Vol.1 | Page 32

It ’ s got the numbers , specs , and hardware to carve up any road , anywhere . But , Moto- Gymkhana is a far cry from the sweeping curves of the Rimutakas . This is the domain of the sub-400cc sport bike , where agility and lowend torque are king . In reality , the GSX doesn ’ t have a great deal of low-down torque around the 1000-2000rpm mark . Sure , it gets off the line perfectly well at the lights , but when you ’ re revving it up and slamming on the brakes time after time as with Gymkhana , the extra split second needed to get moving again tends to let you down . The courses are so tight that there simply isn ’ t enough straight to get the revs up to the sweet spot where the GSX likes to make the most power . I started out with the Figure-8 , which is usually a good test of a bike ’ s low-speed handling and control . I managed to post a reasonable time , but I was still about two seconds slower than the regulars . Next up was a longer course that I struggled to memorise . It was simply too long for me to get the whole thing in my head , so I ended up following another rider around the course , which was still fun .
Getting off the line , the smaller displacement bikes definitely had the advantage . However , the upright seating position of the GSX was helpful , allowing me to muscle the bike around the cones and claw back a little time . The GSX- 8S is a bike that rewards a bit of brute force , and being able to use my body weight to throw the bike from side-to-side helped me navigate the course more effectively . Still , at the end of the day , I can ’ t help but feel like I brought a Ferrari to a horse race — or something like that . The simple , lightweight 250-400cc machines are better suited to fast times . If you ’ re looking for a bike that can handle the open road with confidence , deliver thrills on twisty mountain passes , cut through city traffic and still be fun to throw around in more relaxed settings , the GSX-8S is a great bike . However , Moto-Gymkhana is a very specific kind of challenge that demands a very specific kind of machine , and , while the GSX-8S excels in many areas , the ultra-tight , low-speed Moto- Gymkhana courses aren ’ t its forte . The GSX-8S might not be the ultimate Moto-Gymkhana machine , but it ’ s got plenty of other tricks up its sleeve .