Kiwi Rider September 2023 Vol.1 | Page 70

level of motorcycle sorcery . It doesn ’ t feel at all ungainly to ride – especially at pace . It ’ s like some kind of magic trick . Sitting on it at standstill it feels vast , because it is . But ride off and you ’ re amazed at how nimble it suddenly becomes . Thus the K1600 is absolutely useable for every-day commutes and doesn ’ t become that bike you only ever take on long trips . That Duolever front-end is the gift that just keeps on giving .
GRAND HYPERBOLE But it ’ s the actual riding of this grandest of tourers out on the road that makes the heavenly choirs sing . Yes , hyperbole , but the K1600B is worthy of it . The whole package is capable of being ridden quite … erm , spiritedly . And I have visions of myself sitting on a placid 190km / h on some perfect German autobahn on my way to Wellheim im Oberbayern for a weekend of alpine majesty and maybe wolfwrestling . Of course , belting out to Gilgandra ain ’ t quite the same thing , but one has to work with what one has .