Kiwi Rider March 2024 Vol.2 | Page 92

Words & photos : Ben Wilkins


When I picked the Tiger up from Triumph HQ in Auckland at the end of last year , it came already fitted with Triumph ’ s factory aluminium luggage cases and mounting frames . Triumph was including them as a sales incentive ( saving a cool $ 2840 ). Very nice too , but with a ferry crossing looming , I needed to get the hell out of Dodge and down to the capital as soon as possible , so I just chucked my gear in and pointed the Tiger south . So .... I ’ ll be straight up and admit I didn ’ t take any real notice of the instructions on how to use them given by Triumph ’ s NZ Grand Fromage , Mike Cross . Sorry , Mike . So , when I went to get some of my gear out of the panniers to take with me up to the passenger area , it took me a while to figure it out . There ’ s no button to press or lever to turn ... until you ’ ve put the key in and turned it . Then ... and only then , can the cam-