Kiwi Rider March 2024 Vol.2 | Page 104

THROUGH ITS PACES It would be fair to say I ’ ve put the Rabaconda through its paces . Not just changing a bunch of tyres , but tyres with very hard side walls . The Rabaconda Street Tyre Changer has made the job manageable for someone like me in the garage . No need to use the side stand of the bike or any heavy machinery to break the bead . Last time on the floor of my garage with only tyre levers it took over six hours to change two tyres . This time I effectively changed four tyres in three hours . There ’ s still an element of manual labor which I ’ m not a fan of , but the sense of satisfaction at the end knowing I “ did a thing ” more than makes up for that .
THE LOW DOWN Let ’ s talk about money . The Rabaconda isn ’ t small change , coming in at $ 1400 . But at roughly $ 120 every time to get a workshop to change a set of tyres , I ’ m saving some cash , not to mention the time spent waiting around the dealer while they do the job , or the stuff I would
buy while walking around their showroom . I would need to get the workshop to change my tyres 11 times to equal the cost of the Rabaconda . but that ’ s just over five trail riding missions - which is a season if you ’ re dedicated . So , for me at least , the Rabaconda Street Tyre changer is a win . It ’ s made it easier and quicker for me to change tyres than heading to my dealer . It won ’ t take long to get some money back - I just need to get booked in for some trail rides . The real proof of ease of use though , will be getting someone who is used to changing tyres the manual way to try it out and report back . I ’ ll find someone and come back to you .
Rabaconda Street Tyre Changer Price : $ 1399 inc GST Info : Dold Industries