Kiwi Rider July 2024 Vol.2 | Page 37

Practice make perfect : six minutes max for tyre changes

When reviewing my bucket list , I realised that at 70-years-old time was running out . The brain says I can do it , but the body says otherwise . I ’ m not making excuses though , and Cape York by motorcycle has always been on the ‘ to do ’ of most off-road motorcycle riding Kiwis . So , a plan was hatched for a 70th Birthday Bash at Cape York , 20 years on from a 50th Bash at Owhango , back in Central North Island . And five of the riders from back then would be taking up the Cape York challenge .

THE TEAM Cape York Motorcycle Adventures was our choice and with a maximum of 15 riders per tour , I assured the organisers that we could fill that nearly twice over ( our guide , Shane , said I would be the oldest rider he had taken ). And so the invitations went out . We started with family , then extended it to friends past and present . Finally a band of fifteen misfits decided that it was the trip for them . With six over-60s , we wanted some young guns to smooth our way if we found it necessary . Thus Chris , Karl , Jono and Rowan joined the tour . All riders were experienced , with most having ridden enduro and the rest very experienced
70 and lived to tell the tale - thanks son !