Kiwi Rider December 2023 Vol.2 | Page 98



After running in various forms for the past seven years , it has been confirmed there will be no Shiny Side Up Bike Fest events for 2024 . The ACC-backed events which span the length and breadth of the nation will skip past the 2024 summer riding season as the initiative is evaluated . “ ACC is proud to have run the Shiny Side Up motorcycle safety campaign alongside Waka Kotahi and the Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council ( MSAC ) since 2016 ”, says ACC injury prevention partner and Ride Forever programme manager David Keilty . Despite Shiny Side Up being shelved for the 2024 season , Keilty explains ACC isn ’ t shirking its commitment to New Zealand motorcycle safety . “ While we are not running the Shiny Side Up events in 2024 , motorcycle safety remains a priority for ACC . We are going to take the opportunity to evaluate Shiny Side Up and refresh our approach to motorcycle safety and education ,” he said . “ We are working with our Regional Injury Prevention partners to provide communityled events focusing on motorcycle safety . We also plan to partner with already established motorcycle events around the country to promote our safety message and the ACC Ride Forever coaching course .” Ride Forever coaching will continue to be available throughout the 2024 calendar year , with Keilty pointing to the real world impact the subsidised coaching has had for Kiwi motorcyclists . “ Data shows riders who have completed a Ride Forever coaching course are up to 50 % less likely to lodge a motorcycle accident claim than nontrained riders ”, he said . As for whether when and how Shiny Side Up Bike Fest events return , Keilty says riders wishing to be kept up to date can do so through the Shiny Side Up and Ride Forever web pages .