Kiwi Rider April Vol.1 2023 | Page 91

being commanded from you . Not demanded , but commanded . See the difference ? But when you see individuals demanding respect as if it ’ s some birthright , surely you have to think why this is so ? Simple . People who are not worthy of respect invariably demand it . They are unable to command it on a personal level , and hope when they join an organisation , this is enough to get them the respect they so very much crave . This is tied up in their own lack of self-respect . They know they are not the calibre of human that will ever command respect , so they join a society they expect will deliver them the respect they crave . Shall I point to the police force , or can you work this out for yourself ? If you need another example of how respect is commanded rather than demanded , then compare the fire brigade and the ambulance service , to the police force . Which of these command respect and which of these demand respect ? On general principles , respect is something invariably earned . It needs to be or it is worthless . The society we live in is big on according respect to everyone . We are told , ad nauseum , everyone must be respected . I think what they actually mean , but dare not articulate , is everyone must be tolerated . But tolerance is very different to respect . Sure , I ’ ll put up with all sorts of shit , all sorts of views , and all sorts of opinions ( informed and uninformed ) because I am part of a tolerant society and I am , perforce , a tolerant creature . And it is right and correct to expect and demand tolerance . But that ’ s not respect , is it ? Respect means admiration , deference , esteem , and reverence . It ’ s a big thing . And it is rightly prized when it happens . But it is not now , and never has been , something that can be demanded . It can be commanded , as we have seen , but it ’ s not something that happens automatically just because a demand is made . I think the only expectation possible is one of tolerance . I will tolerate . Until whatever it is I ’ m tolerating becomes intolerable , and then I will travel that path . But demanding my respect ? Or demanding respect from anyone ? Respect has to be earned . Always . And that ’ s on you .
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