Kiwi Rider September 2024 Vol.2 | Page 57

elements . I had some ongoing issues with my 2022 Beta 300 with water getting into the connectors , CDI and so on which caused some electrical issues . Beta has now fitted a rubber boot to cover the CDI terminal and , from a quick look , it seems all terminals now are rubber mounted . This is a big improvement and something I ’ m really glad to see .
fuel figures show the RR300 being better on fuel than the RR200 , so it must work ( 2.7L / 100km vs 2.9L / 100km ). There ’ s an easy to access dry and wet map switch mounted on top of the frame behind the steering head . One noticeable change on this MY24 machine is that Beta has put more effort into protecting the electrical components from the
There have been some worthwhile updates for the 2024 Beta 300 Racing , covering both performance and reliability . The new bike is well spec ’ d especially at the current $ 16,300 pricing - other equivalent spec Euro bikes are around the $ 20k price point . It ’ s good to see Beta taking customer feedback and producing bikes more suited to go racing out-of-the-crate than ever .