Kiwi Rider September 2024 Vol.1 | Page 23


The single-wheel drive Grim Dnepr ...


It ’ s a while between drinks , but we thought we should finish what we started last year ... It takes a lot to make the top of his worst bikes owned list ... but Oscar has saved the best , or worst , for last ..

WORDS : Oscar Hamilton PHOTOS : supplied

This is the final instalment in a series lamenting the five worst bikes I have owned or ridden for long enough to form a disparaging opinion on . You may wish to note that I have a couple of opinions and have never been shy about sharing them . I bought my first bike in 1977 , which was the first in a financially ruinous and incurable motorcycle acquisition addiction ( I think I ’ m up to number 55 at this point ). Over the years I have been lucky enough , through my association with Kiwi Rider , and various race teams to ride dozens more . I am definitely not the best rider you ’ ve ever met , but also probably not the worst .

# 1 1991 KMZ DNEPR To explain the worst bike I ever owned , I have to introduce Ricky . I met Richard ( aka Dick Thrust , Ricky Rude , Ricky Havoc and Evil Rick ) about thirty years ago when he was a tall , skinny