looked to be that the left hand line was the one to go for . I didn ’ t see that about half way up the first incline , the rut had been carved out a little deeper . Nothing for a dirt bike , but for me on the Tenere 700 with less ground clearance and a big square bash plate , this was going to require some serious commitment . I hit the trench in 2nd , about 7000rpm , and instantly felt the drag . I piled on more power , and the rear tyre started to spin , then came to a complete halt . The bash plate was completely wedged . The mud was so high on both sides , I had to dig to find the gear lever , and because of the weight of the bike , there was no way I was getting her out on my own . I helped a few other riders , then with the help of Mat , and another random rider , we man-handled the T7 out of the rut backwards , rolling her down the hill , which was no mean feat , as the chain , sprockets , brake discs and everything else were completely choked with mud and pumice . At the bottom of the hill again , I hooked into the right hand rut and again piled on the power , slip-sliding all over the show , some how finding enough traction to tractor all the way to the top . That was pretty much the bulk of the action . Once back in the pits I got dried off and as most people were bailing because of the weather , we followed suit , heading back to town for the rest of the afternoon . The plan was to ride again on Sunday , but my knee was giving me hell – the result of an altercation with an actual dirt bike some months ago . So , I didn ’ t get to try out the T7 on what
turned out to be a much drier ride , but I am content that I succeeded in trail riding with an adventure bike . No , it ’ s not ideal , but it can be done . Will I do it again ? If the conditions were going to be drier , then , yes , I probably would . I felt like a king on my completely road legal , comfortable and powerful twin-powered machine , alongside people on dirt squirters . I probably looked like a right plonker , but since when has riding a motorbike been about anyone else ’ s opinion ? Make no mistake , the T7 is not the “ one ring to rule them all ”. Yes , in the hands of Pol Tarres , the Tenere 700 can do amazing things , see youtube for videos from Romaniacs 2022 . But an enduro bike it is not . So , with that question answered , If you have any tips on how to get a new enduro bike across the line with the family accountant , then please get in touch ...