the good one ( the knee that wasn ’ t gimpy or complaining , the one that finished school and didn ’ t smoke ) joined in . And even after stopping and stretching and taking a handful of pain killers the other problem become obvious when I took off again . A bike so aerodynamic ( a world record CD of 0.34 in testing with the riders ’ head tucked in behind the screen ), has nowhere to vent hot air ( like I ’ m doing now ). Instead , the engine heat built up between the fairing and the rider , causing the rider to seek comfort from the heat and pain by contorting his head and upper body this way and yon , like Stevie Wonder bobbing his head behind his keyboard . Finally , the K1 caused all sorts of hurtful
speculation about my sanity , sexuality , and good taste amongst my so-called friends . Frankly , I don ’ t see how the purchase of any particular motorcycle was any indicator of sexual preferences , proclivities or hang ups . Anyway , the K1 was sold to make way for a new , and even more expensive , obsession – the BMW R80g / s ( a bike which will definitely NOT feature in this series of rants ). I still ‘ kind of like ’ the K1 and I sometimes wish I hadn ’ t sold it . But I think it marks me as the “ buy and ride ” classic bike guy , as opposed to “ buy and park in the lobby or hang on the wall ” classic bike person ( and I haven ’ t got a lobby ).