Kiwi Rider November 2024 Vol.2 | Page 48

for the full conversion you will need the new engine mounts too . But , it ’ s doable if you are feeling the pinch like the rest of the country .
YZ250F The YZ250F is a bike I could really fall in love with . To me , the Yamaha has always had the best engine package in the 250cc class , and without riding the other 2025 brands , I would still be surprised if they could match this version just yet . Being all-new in 2024 , small changes again fall upon the ‘ 25 model , almost identical to those on the 450 . Suspension , linkage and engine mounts taking most of the fanfare . The engine is good . Really good . It hits hard for a 250F down low and pulls even harder through the mid-range . This engine prefers to be shifted in the meat of the power , rather than being revved out all the way . I kind of rode it similar to a 450 , in that I found the mid-range the best for my riding style and getting around
the track fast . I ’ m not really a revvy guy anyway , and this engine doesn ’ t need that either . Cornering the 250F is a pleasure – the lightweight feeling , compared to the 450 , with its great power curve had me really struggling to mess up corners . Leaning the bike over on flat turns , or diving deep into a loamy 180 – there is always just the right amount of power , minimising both wheel spin and the front wheel coming up . I have raced 450s basically my whole career and have recently been spending a bit of time on 250 four-strokes , and I can ’ t believe what I ’ ve been missing out on all these years . This package would be perfect for me in my opinion . Even with the softer spring weight , I reckon the suspension package is enough that I could race my local club MX or XC and not be held back by the bike .
WR450F / YZ450FX