Kiwi Rider November 2023 Vol.1 | Page 31

With this new found knowledge in hand , I relaxed and started to use it to my advantage . As well as the beep , there is a graphic on the exceptionally bloody huge TFT screen ( very cool ) that expands from the outside towards the centre to indicate how close the vehicle is beside you . The more the graphic expands , the closer the vehicle . Okay , some of you cynical old boys are probably thinking , why not just turn your head a
bit and open your eyes ? Fair enough , but it was certainly helpful when a car came up behind me in the blind spot – I didn ’ t need to look back to know it was there . The bike told me it was there and the graphic showed how close . It ’ s a clearly worthwhile safety feature . Being the end of winter , it was a little chilly . So , I dialled up the ( fitted as standard ) heated grips and seat before flowing on to the motorway . Lately I ’ ve become quite partial to heated seats .