Kiwi Rider May Vol.1 2023 | Page 89

Here ’ s some hot news , you non-representative swill . You painting me as being vulnerable implies some forsaking of personal responsibility on my part , and that is anathema to me . I am responsible for my riding . ALL THE TIME . To assist me in this , I operate a vehicle that is in every way better than a car . The only time it is not safer than a car is when it hits something . I understand this . I wouldn ’ t be riding bikes if I didn ’ t understand this with savage clarity . At all other times my bike is light-years ahead of a stinking car . It is more agile , easier to park , environmentally friendly , pulls chicks , fills the cops with hate , and boasts acceleration and realworld performance unequalled by even the finest sportscar , for a fraction of the cost . Those contemptible lycra-clad fools on pushbikes are the vulnerable road-users . Their vulnerability stems from a ) their inability to maintain traffic speed ; b ) lack of appropriate equipment to indicate their intentions ; c ) Inability to utilise lane space adequately ; d ) Inability to see traffic that approaches from behind via mirrors ; and e ) Inability to merge safely . None of that applies to motorcyclists .
As a result of more than four decades of riding , my reflexes are catlike , my sixth sense is astonishing and I have learnt , harshly and rapidly , that my well-being and survival is in my hands and my hands alone . It is up to me to hone my riding skills constantly It is up to me to take complete responsibility for how I ride . And therefore , I am in no position to blame a car driver for running me down . Even if the law is on my side – cos that ’ s so comforting when your blood is pooling on the hot bitumen , I am an idiot to even expect the fat-shanked piece of garbage to see me as it steers its SUV over my twitching body . I know this – and since knowledge is power , I am empowered and I ride accordingly . How does this make me vulnerable ? Quite simply , it doesn ’ t . I am a motorcyclist . I am not a vulnerable road user . I never have been . I never will be . And woe betide any fool who wishes to make me appear this way .
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