Kiwi Rider May Vol.1 2023 | Page 85

I ’ ve owned for about six years . I absolutely love this bike . It ’ s a handful to ride , and every now and then it breaks down , but the truth is , I don ’ t care how many times it comes to a stop on the side of the road , I love it . Both Asher and Arlen have had some truly beautiful motorcycles though , much better than I ever owned … “ My first bike was a Yamaha IT175 , followed by a Suzuki RM250 . Then I owned a Kawasaki KX250 , followed by an absolute pile of shit - a 90s Honda 600cc V- twin thing . I think that ’ s what it was , anyway . It was in such bad condition that I never really knew its full provenance , but to the Honda ’ s credit - it never broke down . It was all we could afford at the time - just after getting married and having our first son . It was a hodgepodge - every piece of the faring was a different colour , and barely held together - with cable ties . I sanded it down , did a half arse job of fixing the panels , and painted it a beautiful red with a gold titanium frame . I sold it for $ 2500.00 ! That is the most money I ’ ve ever made selling something . Next was a FZR400 , a great bike , until it got nicked . “ A 92 Suzuki GSXR1100 was another great bike , but then I followed my first motorcycle dream - my childhood love for Ducatis – first picking up a 92 SuperSport 750cc , then a 93 SuperSport 900 . Unfortunately , this got written off by a mate of mine . Finally , the bike I have now , which is a 93 Superbike 888 . But , If I could have any bike in the world , it would have to be my Pop ’ s 1950s 1000cc Vincent Black Shadow and , of course , I ’ d love to own a Britten , and a Ducati Desmosedici RR , and …”
ART PAYS OFF Yeah , we get the picture , Mark , you love the classics - even if Mum Pauline is less keen ! “ She worries ”, he says , “ We were raised Catholic , so every time I go out for a ride I say three Hail Mary ’ s and pray that someone doesn ’ t take me out , especially these days ”. Mark is married to Stephanie , and he says he ’ s the luckiest of men , but , like Mum , Stephanie is not a huge fan of
Two-up motorcycle gymkhana is a test of motorcycle control