Kiwi Rider March 2024 Vol.1 | Page 71

WORDS : Ben Wilkins


The ‘ rider interface ’ isn ’ t something often talked about , so let ’ s do that .


couple of months in and I ’ m starting to get a good feel for the Tiger . There are things I like and things I dislike , as you might expect . I ’ ve ridden it two-up , on gravel , on seal and solo . All of these both at night and during the day . This month I want to talk about my ‘ connection ’ to the bike , the feel and interaction . There are things I like and some that irk me .. I like the buttons . The stuff you have to press to interact with the bike . Indicators , switches etc . The Triumph switchgear is easy to use with both winter and summer gloves - including the heated grip button ; super simple to use , just press the button to cycle through the heat settings . They get nicely hot and let me easily use summer gloves even when it ’ s pretty cold - and the hand guards keep a decent amount of the windblast off too . The big ‘ M ’ mode button gives quick access to the riding modes , which gives three easy options for rain , road and sport settings . Then there ’ s the ‘ user ’ setting where you can set it up exactly how you like . These can all be done