They ’ ve had them sitting in the garage for a few years , and now the cops have destroyed six confiscated Harley-Davidson motorcycles to send a message . A recent court order gave Police the green light to crush the six gold-plated Harley Davidson motorcycles worth approximately $ 96,000 , along with numerous personalised plates , and sell the remains as scrap metal . Commissioner Andrew Coster says the application by Police was under the Criminal Proceeds ( Recovery ) Act in early 2023 and is the first of its kind . The bikes were seized in April 2019 as part of a major organised crime operation , called Operation Nova . Across multiple phases in the investigation , Police honed their efforts into targeting senior leadership figures of the gang and its illegal activities . “ Police made numerous arrests , and restrained around $ 4 million in assets from the gang , which included the six distinctive Harley Davidson motorcycles ,” Commissioner Coster says . “ It is part of an ongoing focus by Police on disrupting the illegal activities of organised criminal groups , along with targeting assets they have obtained through their offending .” Late last year , the Court approved Police ’ s application to destroy six Harley Davidsons and seven personalised licence plates . In other investigations , the Financial Crime Group has successfully submitted to court for the forfeiture of assets with the proceeds going to the consolidated crime fund . However , in the case of Operation Nova , the distinctive Harley Davidsons and personalised plates meant a different approach has been