Kiwi Rider June 2024 Vol.2 | Page 26

replicated without upsetting people and risking time in the slammer .
RIDE DAY ONE Friday morning dawned clear and nearly frosty as we gathered in the Tahunanui Motor Camp parking lot for the ride ‘ proper ’ to start . Having been briefed on the potential hazards and how the corner man system should work . We proceeded through town and up a nearby valley , then farmland to a hilltop with stunning views ( referred to as SVs from here on to save ink , it ’ ll be used a lot ...) of Nelson , the Port and Takaka Hill . A walking track had us back down to sea level and a visit to Founders Park for a rail tour that could remove the Klingons from your Starboard Bow by way of sleeper rattle . It also claimed the first offs of the tour . Another track to another hill top and more SVs . Basically , it would have been urban terrorism if Dave hadn ’ t spent months gaining permissions . The locals seemed bemused but not offended and we all interacted like friends . Lunch was on the tables as we arrived at Central School , with the entire school lined up to greet us . They performed a Waiata / Haka
mixed in our honour , and just a little because there was food for all , prepared by parents and teachers . Our morning had combined public awareness and bringing people together by portraying a responsible group of motorcyclists to the community at large , while we enjoyed our adventures . We visited Coastal View Life Style Retirement Village , at first I feared being left behind , but it was to set off a few two-wheeled memories for interested residents . After school we headed East and up to Cable Bay ( where the first telegraph cable had offered inter island communications ) and then a lap of Pepin Island with an interesting companion , as the story goes , while passing a set of yards , a horse decided to chase us off his or her land and it proceeded to follow one of the mid-pack riders around the track for a couple of km . I first became aware of it when said horse approached a gate I was controlling . I closed the gate and the excited , but not agitated , equine stopped and waited for the farmer to come get it . Then up to the top of the Island for some SVs towards French Pass , Mount Duppa , the Richmond Ranges and Farewell Spit , but it was too hazy to see home