KIWI RIDERS worldwide had reducing memberships and financial troubles through things like the global financial crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic , but we remained relatively stable . In fact , there was a period of growth in the club and we were recognised for that globally . “ The other thing is the events . The executive team really put some effort and focus into making them the best we could , and we upped the game a wee bit . We did little things like having a band at the annual rally or getting a premium sponsor to put some good coin into it to make it special . We had a really good strategy which has kept going with the current executive team . It ’ s the club ’ s 50th anniversary next year but the sad thing is I ’ m not going to be able to make it to the annual rally because of work .” great , much like the Safaris . We ’ d see each other once a year but it was like the conversation had never stopped . In the club , we have three or four big events every year and when everyone comes together it ’ s like we ’ ve never been apart . “ The other thing I like about the club is that there ’ s this incredible wealth of knowledge about all things BMW motorcycles . If you ’ ve got a problem , you can reach out and there ’ ll be someone who knows the answer . There are a lot of really helpful people . That and you end up with a network of people across the country that you can slot into wherever you ’ re going . It ’ s a great club to be involved with , and Jo and I are both life members now , so we ’ re kind of obliged to stick around !”
What ’ s your greatest achievement with the club as President ? “ Probably two things . One is that back in 2007 we became a participating member of BMW Clubs International . Since then , a lot of clubs