Kiwi Rider February 2022 Vol.1 | Page 60

“ Huh ?” the startled Baz replied .
Gandar looked Baz up and down , and leaned forward to take a close look at his face . “ Freshfaced little beggar aren ’ t you ?” he chuckled before tweaking Baz ’ s cheek .
The rest of the lads looked perplexed , until Gandar spelled out how with a bit of work young Baz would make an alluring young woman and would almost certainly succeed in relieving the lustful Sorceron of the two rings strung around his neck .
To the amazement of the rest of the lads , Baz , without pausing to give the idea consideration or even show the slightest sign of being affronted , said he was up for it . In fact it has to be said his willingness , nay ... eagerness , created some unease .
some apprehension , before turning back to Gandar .
Elvis simply looked at the menu and ordered a couple of burgers and some fries .
Gandar raised a wiry old hand and smiled .
“ Do not fear ... I have not fallen under the wicked spell of the ring and I do not seek omnipotence for myself . It is Elvis I do this for .
“ We can make him the true King again .”
The idea was as outrageous as it was noble .
To take a device intended to be used for evil and instead use it for the forces of good . As well as obtaining all the rings and at the appropriate time destroy them , the lads would be able to use their considerable skills , and the incredible power of the rings , to create a motorcycle even a big ol ’ boy like Elvis could win on ... because the machine would do all the thinking and racing itself ... he would simply have to hang on and enjoy the ride to the chequered flag in the biggest race in the whole universe ... the Burgerring 500 .
A mist drifted across Elvis ’ eyes and he asked Gandar why he would risk his life , and those of his loyal companions , to help him fulfill a dream he had harboured
Dwayne stepped forward to perform Elvis ’ first pit stop
since that very first motorcycle ride ... at the time when he was indeed the King of rock and roll . “ Because I never got to see you at your peak ,” Gandar sighed .
A GREASED UP TEDDY-BOY ? “ I was a greased-up Teddy Boy all those years ago and longed for the day when you , my hero , would come to town . But of course you never crossed the border from Amerikana into the real world ... I could only watch you in a succession of crap films .”
The rest of the lads listened in wonder .
Gandar said he never really believed Elvis had ‘ left the building ’ and just as he sensed the power of the third ring he also sensed the true King was also out there ... somewhere .
In the middle of explaining how he could now achieve the destruction of the rings as well as return Elvis to the throne which restoration specialist Rich Clifford had taken from him , a hush came over the bar .
Gandar did not need to turn around to know that the evil Sid Sorceron , flanked by several redeyed , sneering dark riders , had walked in and that around his oilsmeared neck hung a fine gold chain ... from which hung two softly glowing rings .
Fred , Baz and Nev went as pale as the very froth upon their ales and dared not breathe .
Crozman and Arasole quietly gripped their chains and placed their nerve reactor systems on red alert .
Gimlett finally collapsed at the bar .
One of the dark riders stopped in mid step and raised his head ... sniffing at the air .
“ I smell mechanic ,” he said in a low growl .
“ Act naturally ,” Gandar whispered with an urgency to his voice .
“ Drink , eat , talk , argue , fart , leer ... it will be as effective as a cloak of invisibility in a place like this .”
The dark riders peered into the murk and haze of the bar but were distracted as the drunken Sorceron drew up a chair at the table closest to the strippers ’ lair and demanded ‘ bring on the dancing girls !’
It was the only chink in his armour . Dancing girls .
“ That ’ s it ,” Gandar said quietly . “ That is how we secure the rings ... and our young friend Baz here will become the hero of the hour .”
A GIRLY COSTUME “ So how do we half-inch a girly costume for young Baz ... have you thought about that Gandar ?” a slightly cynical Crozman asked .
Before Gandar could give it some thought a bashful Baz admitted he just happened to have a slinky little red satin number in his knapsack . “ It belongs to me sister ... I , ahhh , packed it by mistake .”
Both Fred and Nev edged slightly away from their chum but were prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt .
Baz spent the next 20 minutes in the lavatory and then emerged ... looking like a painted porcelain doll in a tight red frock .
He looked like , Arasole felt obliged to point out , the sort of young gal only seven or eight vodkas could get you interested in .
However , he resembled just the sort of totty the evil Sorceron found irresistible and the dark , narrowed eyes of the vile man soon fixed on the rolled-up socks Baz had shoved down the front of his frock ... oh that ’ s right , his sister ’ s frock .
A bony finger beckoned Baz over , and he coyly obliged , wiggling his hips as he tottered toward Sorceron .
“ He ’ s very good isn ’ t he ,” Gandar remarked .
“ He ’ s too bloody good ,” Fred mumbled with a frown .
As Baz plopped into Sorceron ’ s lap , the dark riders eyed the settling tart with a combination of
Kiwi Rider – August 2003 27