Kiwi Rider December 2023 Vol.1 | Page 33

Ok , it was that decision we all have to make eventually , like it or not . Your riding gear is no longer up to the task and your credit card appears reluctant to come out of your wallet out of sheer terror . It takes time to console oneself and come to terms with it . Then , and only then , you waste hours and hours poring over virtual pages of gear that you apparently must have . So , now that I have stopped crying over the invoice , what did I buy ? First , the answer to your first question – Yes , I did buy them . While not an abuser of gear , I clock up over 60,000km each year in all weather and need gear that not only keeps the elements out , it has to be able to repeat the mission the next day , and so on . So , something that keeps me dry while allowing the outer layers to get wet and freezing cold does not cut the mustard . That gear is totally fine for a day , followed by a drying time but for me , not so much . Sadly , for my bank balance , that pretty much dismisses lots of less expensive options . Balancing cost against performance sees me in some new Revit ! Gear . I have been wearing it for over a month so far this winter , so about 4000km , mainly in shit weather , as happens .

UP TOP Revit ! Vertical GTX . Just because I ride all year round does not mean I am one of those grim-faced staunch bastards that will ride to hyperthermia and back just to prove how tough I am . I am far more genteel than that . Yes , I love riding in a proper storm , but I like to do so while warm and dry . Seriously . And I mean totally dry – warm and toasty , so I can focus on playing in the rain and dodging potholes . And yes , you can . It just takes a few cunning lessons to be learned ...
WATERPROOF VS WATERTIGHT This jacket is one of Revit !’ s Gore-Tex range , so rain simply does not go through it – at all . That in itself does not mean I will stay dry for 12 hours on the bike . It means it is all that many will need , but for me , I still use a wet barrier overjacket . Why ? To make things as close to watertight as I can make it . Waterproof and watertight are two completely different beasts . Versatility also sits high on my tightwad list .