Billybo , unshaven , subdued but apparently in control of his senses , invited them in .
``I knew you would come ,’’ he said , after sitting on his bed and without looking up . ``It is under there .’’ He pointed to his pillow and Gandar , moving slowly , ventured forth and lifted the stained article to reveal , the third piston ring . His eyes widened and Fred edged forward . ``That is your destiny nephew ... and I am truly sorry it has befallen to you ,’’ Billybo lamented , his tired eyes filling with tears .
``It corrupted my heart , and for the years of my life which should have been devoted to kith and kin I wandered the world in search of two small rings which would have unearthed ...’’ He paused briefly before standing up and wildly yelling ``something so indescribably powerful I could rule the racing world forever !’’
After a few deep breaths and comforted by Gandar ’ s hand on his shoulder and the words ``there there poor fellow ’’ Billybo sat down and convulsed into great sobs .
Gandar turned to look at Fred ... who was looking at the far wall of Billybo ’ s sad little room . ``That ’ s a nice picture you ’ ve painted there uncle ... but is it the right way up ?’’
Billybo ’ s sobs turned into howls of despair and Gandar , with all the dignity he could muster , swung his arm through the air and delivered a blow to the side of Fred ’ s head that he never saw coming .
TWO DAYS LATER ….. Two days later at an inn back in town , Gandar told Fred he would travel with him on the journey to the lava pits , deep under the Scar Mountains in the smog-shrouded lands in the heart of distant Amerikana , to cast the ring to its destruction .
``Can ’ t we sell it and make a few bob ?’’ Fred asked . Gandar ’ s expression upon hearing this was sufficient for Fred to add ``perhaps not .’’
Gandar explained that the only way to destroy the piston ring , and foil Sorceron ’ s plans to cast the racing world into a void of
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