Kiwi Rider April Vol.1 2023 | Page 82

( trophies ) at the end of the week . With the weather adding to the challenge with the odd spit of rain , the racing had a few spills . A few spectators were in less-than-ideal viewing spots and a few injuries resulted so the organisers are working on a way of sorting things to keep spectators and the possibility of crashing bikes apart and I ’ m sure it will be well sorted for the next running . For those watching this , or any street racing event , the outside of corners is the last place you want to be . And remember , those 200kg machines ( plus super lean , fit 70kg riders , ahem …) are doing up to 230km / h up that hill . For many , straight after the hill , it was off to Teretonga with the Indian Motorcycle Twilight Drags . Again , an opportunity for anyone to pay a nominal fee and do a legit , timed and lightphased standing quarter mile and get the timing chit to brag about back at the awesome rally site , one of the busy local bars or wherever in town you wanted to be . For many doing the drags and / or the track day , the inclusiveness and the open pits were highlights of the week . You could walk up and chat to the riders , making it unique in motorsport .
Burt ’ s Tyre Tracks In The Sand - Friday Not many races are dependent on the tide , but this one is . An early kickoff to allow enough room for the out-and-back one mile loop saw racing start at 10am Friday morning for the Indian Motorcycles Beach Racing Champs with a pretty impressive crowd , despite being a weekday . Hopefully everyone wasn ’ t claiming a ‘ sicky ’ or we might see panic in the Beehive … Too soon ? Anyway , with sprint races and the legendary 50-lapper ( 50 miles of racing in sand ) for the oldest racing trophy in the land , there were all sorts of bikes fronting up . As always , a few custom builds represented , like fast dude , Jason Feaver on his Aprilia 1200 V-twin tackling on the lighter 450 motos . Sadly , his chain couldn ’ t handle the strain and he was beached early in the proceedings while challenging eventual winner , Johnny Racz in the main event . With three riders in each others ’ roost right to the wire , it was an epic event . It is always good to see the big bikes out there . Heath Botica ( KTM 1190 ) was clocked by a local cop with radar at 196km / h on the sand , mad bugger . The big bikes fly down the tide line but it is a bit like the Ben Hur