Lucky for me when I asked the Wenn and
Spreeuwenberg families for their farms -
nothing was too much hassle, everything
was easier and I could keep the costs down.
I still think ‘the peat’ at $55 is the cheapest
event around and all the kids take home
a goody bag, along with transponders
being used. The cost factor was something
I always was aware of as some of my
families had two or three riders.
Yes, over the years there have been
some hiccups, but there has also been
some amazing support, and it is from that
support that we get over the hiccups and
keep going (Pete McPhee has always had
a shoulder for me, and an ear wide open).
There is no ‘I’ in this team and everything
is a real team effort. The parents and kids
over the years have been amazing and
some great friendships were formed. One
thing I absolutely love is when the old
team members come back to help, which
confirms to me that I got something right.
Over the years the team has changed from
having club riders on the team and some
very smart riders e.g. Kent Morley, who
was also a very humble rider and awesome
captain, to today with no club riders and a
big team of 27 who are mainly trail riders
and kids that just want to ride.
“Gratitude is the attitude” has been
drummed into my teams over the years
and I love that they all support paying it
forward, of which we have done plenty, if
there is one thing I love is a kid who knows
the meaning of paying it forward and has
an awesome attitude…. Never ever about
how good you are at riding on this team -
attitude is always the winner!
It’s a big job to host and now is the time
to pass the baton to another TIC, a parent,
or a club so I can hopefully just enjoy my
team of dirt riders that just want to ride
for fun. We have evolved into a team that
‘stays together plays together’ and we do it
so well.
A big shout out to Wairoa and Gizzy who
have never missed an HPC event, which
is a huge undertaking as the distance is
enormous and if they can do it so can we.
I highly recommend any events they host,
they are good honest caring people that
also “do it for the kids”.
We have been gifted the use of land along
with time and wisdom from Coach Dene
Humphrey. If I can stay at the grassroots,
as I always wanted, you will see me around
as I love the memories made for kids at
HPC and long may they continue.
A huge thank you to my son Cameron who
has stuck by me and helped at every event,
dragged in his mates and have, truth be
told, had a blast – as have I. The friendships
made in the pits have been fantastic and all
created “awesome memories”.