re you ready for something
completely different an yo accept
the shock of the new when the brave
new concept is brilliantly conceived and
e ec ted
so, the ne
amaha i en
could be the bike for you.
otice said i e, not tri e
re the
i en am rai spea or t in s ords
has three heels,
t it delivers a ridin
e perience that s ar removed rom
that o most tri es amaha s ne lean
The new Yamaha Niken
could be the bike for you
machine handles st li e any t o heeled
motorcycle, the ma or difference ein
that there s a massive p rade in ront
heel rip o still pitch the tri i e into
corners ith the same co nter steerin
effort on the handle ars as the
street i e that donated the i en s
po ertrain, and the triple trac er
ic ly
adopts a lean an le aith l to the rider s
chosen line through the corner in a
s per ly
id and linear ashion