KIWI RIDER 12 2018 VOL.1 | Page 36

It always feels light, and drops into the turn seemingly with the speed of thought ut on the sinuous corners of the road to outh Head the bike really came alive, and as my confidence and knowledge grew melded with the bike, both mentally and hysically. adore the uickshifting on the , it is a work of genius and o erates cleaner and swifter than almost any other manufacturer. lutchless shifting u and down makes for fantastic cornering entrances and e its, with full gri getting down, and owering out of those corners can be almost se ual. suggests the to s eed of the motorcycle is km h, but somewhere north of that would seem uite achievable. iding the in tra c and round town is also a bree e. ith that low down tor ue, threading tra c lanes and commuting city streets is dece tively sim le. t always feels light, and dro s into the turn seemingly with the s eed of thought. he steering geometry 36 KIWI RIDER in tight arking laces, however, is... cra . ut the bike is so light that back and forths to turn and go, are sim licity itself. here is one niggle though, and it may be that ust don t understand the why s of it ro erly. ut on this bike everything is tucked away, it has clean lines, elegant sim licity, tight angles and is com osed like an automotive artwork. s legendary finish is as always e ce tional and two things bug me. he chain guard is this imsy lastic thing that frankly seems there only for the lines of its silhouette, but the worst is the lacement and look of the front brake reservoir, that oats above the front bar like some artless s are arts de t afterthought. oes it have to be that high u and look like it came out of a imca he other slight oddity are the asymmetric headlights, but again e ciency overrode anything more than cosmetic concern.