On the long straights
from Wanaka around
to Queenstown via
Cromwell the cruise-
control came into its
own. It’s simple to set,
stop and reset, the
controls are very similar
to a car-based system
One of the biggest owner complaints for
the previous Tracer was the seat. So much
so that amaha has listened to feedback
and redesigned it. That’s not an accolade’
a manufacturer wants for a bike that’s
designed to include tour’ in its repertoire.
It’s wide at the back and narrow at the
front offering several different options for
position. Over the course of a 300km test
ride, it was only near the end of the day
that I was starting to have any complaints.
There’s a heated comfort seat available as
an accessory that’s a bit more squidgy and
comes with a heated element. It’s also a
little taller giving a touch more leg room.
The new screen can be adjusted with one
hand whilst riding at sub 80km h speeds
but is di cult when going faster because
wind forces it back against the adjuster.
nlike others I opted to leave it in the
lower position which put the turbulent
air around my neck and shoulders, rather
than directly onto my visor. There’s a taller
and wider accessory screen for those
intent on just touring that works well,
but it does nothing for the bike’s lines to
my eyes.
At 100km h the motor is cruising along
at 4000rpm in top and there’s very little
engine bu . Let the revs rise to 5500pm
and there’s a small amount of bar and
peg vibration but that’s up in licence
-losing territory.
On the long straights from Wanaka
around to ueenstown via Cromwell
the cruise-control came into its own. It’s
simple to set, stop and reset, the controls
are very similar to a car-based system.
The GT definitely cuts it as a tourer as
long as your idea of touring isn’t a 250kg
motorcycle. This is definitely at the nimble
end of the touring spectrum.
Life is better for a pillion on the new bike
too with the footpegs set just over 30mm
lower, larger grab rail and a slightly bigger
My only criticism here is I couldn’t fit my
helmet in either of the panniers.