KIWI RIDER 08 2019 VOL.2 | Page 62

DIRT PRODUCTS UNDERDOG TO HELP TOP DOGS No matter how good you are, any off-seal ride could turn pear-shaped, putting your back at risk. An off needn’t be a major though, if you’re wearing the right protection. O’Neal comes to the party this time, with the Underdog 2 articulating spine protector. Made of high impact injection-moulded plastic with extensive mesh venting and an adjustable elastic kidney belt, the Underdog 2 features removable back, forearm and elbow protection. Distributor: Northern Accessories Size style: Adult S to 2XL, youth S to L Price: Adult $199, youth $179 Info: ucts/445-adult_body_armour_and_pro- tecto/7157-oneal_underdog_2_body_ar- mour_a.aspx WEIGHTY MATTERS DEFLECTED Those often roosting it up in deep dirt may find their head and neck strained by the extra weight of dirt sticking to their helmet. If that’s you, take a look at this helmet foam from Twin Air. White, measuring 360 by 250mm and with an adhesive back, it’ll help keep weighty mud off your helmet peak/visor in muddy conditions. Distributor: Northern Accessories Price: $19.95 Info: off_roaddirt_helmet_a/8902-twinair_helmet_mud_ deflector_w.aspx 62 KIWI RIDER