Jeez, I liked this bike. Anyone who rode say
a Gas Gas EC200 all those years ago will
recall when a 200cc two-stroke enduro could
be a torquey, easy-going thing. This RR200
is very much like that. Beta didn’t have any
specific updates mentioned, although it
would seem all the two-strokes got revised
crankshafts with new inertia values (and
improved lubrication) so maybe it’s that
which is enhancing the torqueyness (is that
a word?). It’s a mini-me to the RR300, in a
fashion, and definitely a neat clubman bike,
and so light and rideable it does make the
slower clubman rider question whether a 250
four-stroke is the right choice after all. An
easy bike to boss, and not one to go feral on
you if you accidentally throw in some whiskey
An easy bike to boss and not one to
go feral with some whiskey throttle