Off the motorways however, the long
loping gallantry of the Bobber comes into
its own and will thrill you to your core.
There’s something special too, about
the way cold, dense, winter air improves
engine performance, and those who
shun winter riding because wet weather
deters them, miss out on some important
riding lessons. Braking distances need
adjusting, watchfulness over paint and tar
There’s something special
too, about the way cold,
dense, winter air improves
engine performance
strips needs more vigilance, and visibility
needs to be addressed when the visor
clags up externally, or fogs inside. But you
learn, and get to know your bike in ways
that a dozen summer rides won’t teach
you. I am reminded of that by some of
my colleagues who are totally weather-
shy, and who will be furious that I’ve
mentioned it. Tough.