KIWI RIDER 04 2020 VOL2 | Page 79

take their track sparring to the screens, via little home-based game stations… all linked in to race together… virtually. So, while the mechanics were no longer required I daresay some of the top guns of the game may have made other “I need assistance here” calls. Calls to wider family, where some screen and game savvy 13 and 14-year-old kids could give them some critical “riding” tips. “You’re holding it all wrong uncle Val,” one bambino will declare. “Atsa easy for-a you to a-say,” Uncle Rossi would reply indignantly, as he adjusted his grip on the control box thing. “No no no no!” little bambino nephew would then cry. “The track… eeza go the other a-way!” Another grumpy DNF. I noticed too that the Indycar brigade had also introduced a virtual racing competition for real race- starved spectators to check out. Which included our chap Scott McLaughlin who has, in these circumstances, realised one of the great ambitions in his racing career without having to worry about managers, officialdom and whatever legalities are involved in “the real thing”. Then I shivered a little… when I say ’shiver’ it’s ok, I’m fit, fine and partially sober at this time so nothing more than a shiver of anxiety. Because crikey, if this virtual racing drags in more viewers than the real McCoy then the flag marshals and hot dog sellers may also find themselves sidelined. Naaa, for trying to formulate the sound of howling hardware and the aromas of fuel and crisped- up batter is impossible. Some things will never change. We’ll battle through this shit like our forebears battled through terrible times of illness and war. It comes right. Like dear old Vera Lynn told us that the birdies and brightness would soon return “tomorrow, just you wait and see,” And yep, it did. It’ll take time but we’ll do it… as long as everyone obeys the orders of stay home, unless it is an essential outing (where you keep your distance) for medicine, food… and lager. And like anything, there’s an upside. We won’t have anyone coming to our door trying to sell us something for a month. That’s worth toasting… now where did I put that bloody opener?