KIWI RIDER 04 2020 VOL2 | Page 78

MORONEY MAYBE STAGE A VIRTUAL MOTOGP AT LOCH DOWNE? Words: Roger Moroney Alex Marquez won the inaugural virtual MotoGP race – will we see more of it? S o there I was, wondering what today would bring. Certainly not a repeat of yesterday’s heroics in the garden as there was a dreadful south-easterly low pressure system thing edging in off the Pacific toward the usually clement eastern seaboard. Painting was also askew, as enamel paint does not align with damp and cool air, plus the fact it was the outside window edges I was planning to sand off and freshen up. I also remembered I had no turpentine and in the current darkly titled situation of “lockdown” the shops that sold the stuff were not considered to be of the “essential” variety. Besides, I’d used the last of it to top up the gin bottle as you can’t get that either. So there I was, in some strange Scottish high- water district called Loch Downe. This is a most surreal time, and likely the only time we of these lands have taken up that strange old tradition of crossing the days off a calendar. “That’s day five!” I called out to no one, as the missus was hanging the washing in the garage and the cats were huddled on the back step watching the dark clouds roll toward us. “Twenty three… or so… to go,” I added. So what to do. How about maybe watch a DVD, or see what Netflix had going? There was some movie rolling across the flat screen landscape and it was about a prisoner. A prisoner in… solitary 78 KIWI RIDER confinement. “Ha!” I snorted with disdain. “You bloody deserved it… we didn’t.” So it was back to the book shelf, and I sifted through the scores of standing items and came across good old Graeme Crosby’s “Larrakin Biker” tale. I read it avidly when it came out and now I’ve started reading it again because it is like his abilities on a bike… very, very sharp, and always entertaining to spectate upon. Plus he also bought me a drink once… or twice. This time last year, however, I would have likely been dwelling on how the MotoGP season had sparked off, and I would have been sussing out the calendar to see what was up next. We would be a couple of rounds in by now and I had $20 on Valentino Rossi to finish in the top two… I should have bought a case of Export Gold instead, but, hey, one must put a penny or three on one’s Italian idol. But, while the world battles this mutant flu thing which was created by illegally hunted wildlife in China (there’s nothing they can’t export) the MotoGP is not a lost cause. Not quite. For technology has stepped on to the grid, probably to the disgust of the engineering crews, but, hey, a race is a race. So the MotoGP management drivers decided that despite the world being placed in a village full of padlocks (Lock Town… groan) they would piece together some racing. Virtual racing, where the lads would