More confidence-
inspiring through
faster turns and more
stable than the EXC
and small bumps according to Liam. As
the test was on sand, I never really noticed
much difference but am sure on hard pack I
would have.
In general, the 350 feels quite similar to last
year but more refined and subtly improved.
The engine character is the same – there’s
decent drive from idle, then it’s relatively
mild through the early midrange until
building strongly in the mid and finally
delivering a phenomenal top end. It feels
like there is very little flywheel effect and, of
course, the engine cases are so small there
is nowhere to actually hide one. So, the
engines biggest weakness last year was the
tendency to stall or flame out, whatever you
want to call it.
The 2019 model is a definite improvement
over last year’s, but it’s still not fail safe.
Personally, I believe the power delivery
would be improved with a redistribution
of all that top end. The intense high rpm
power is only useable by the very skilled
and fit rider, but most riders could use more