Why would you consider upgrading to the
2019 XC-W? Well, just when I thought the my
150 XC-W was a great bike, it seems it went and
got just that little bit greater. One of the main
differences I noticed with my 2019 150 was
the factory got the carburettor jetting bang on
straight out of the box. I’ve found that I’ve had
absolutely no need to muck around with fine-
tuning the jetting, which has sometimes been a
bit of a juggling act on previous models.
The power delivery is smoother and there’s
even more torque from the little motor thanks
to a revised exhaust port and power-valve.
Talking of little, the engine is 10mm narrower
than before because of a change in the clutch
design to a diaphragm steel type clutch and a
new clutch cover, as well as a new six-speed
transmission. A new 2-Ah battery makes it a
great starter too.
While they’re only small refinements, they do
make the whole package a better machine. I’ve
found it to be totally worth the upgrade.