KIWI RIDER 02 2019 VOL.1 | Page 53

After getting to know the bike around town I decided to take it out on a wee adventure of sorts, to see where the road takes me kind of thing. I set out from home in West Auckland and headed through the countryside towards the West Coast. Once out of Waitakere I basical- ly kept turning left until I hit my first gravel road – where I was keen to see if the looks of the bike would actually deliver. Husky is an offroad brand after all. As it turns out the Svartpilen is a confident gravel cruiser and it’s a good job it has the small bash plate to prevent damage from stones being thrown up. The long swing arm means when you give the throttle a squirt in the loose it steps out in a very controlled fashion. I was beginning to fall for the Husky, just as I had with the Duke, only in a different way. While the Duke looks like it came out of a sci- ence fiction movie, the Svartpilen is like Indiana Jones meets Blade Runner, and everywhere I rode the bike drew looks from curious onlook- ers. Not only that, the bike had unintentionally become my muse, I’d taken my camera with me and couldn’t get enough of taking pictures of its curious blend of modern and classic de- sign – almost demanding me to capture it with any backdrop worthy of it. Every corner and dead-end became a potential shot for the bike, at least in my mind. I met all types and the bike was a catalyst for conversation; a lady with a horse where the gravel turned to grass track, Jamie, a young Scotsman with a Triumph Scrambler, an old gent walking his dog on the beach who owned four motorcycles, a mountain biker heading into the forest who just had to stop and asked ‘what the heck is that?’. Ok, so there’s not much back there for the pil- lion to hold onto, and some of the lines do take a little time to adjust to (the abrupt end to the seat and the low mudguard and indicators), but it didn’t take long for me to get what this bike was all about. I believe the Svartpilen isn’t just aimed at one demographic of motorcycling (or general) society, it’s for whoever rings true with it, and that could be anyone from hipsters to high court judges. From the grimy urban jungle to winding country byways and gravel land- scapes, it ticks the boxes. And, while its cousin the Duke 390 is an exercise in design in its own right, the Svartpilen is too; from the sweet looking combination front mudguard/fork shrouds, to the amazing lines of the seat and tank. This is a bike which makes you feel good when people do a double take and the look on their faces says “Wow, what IS that?” While the Duke looks like it came out of a science fiction movie, the Svartpilen is like Indiana Jones meets Blade Runner