The bike feels solid and
really does somehow exude
a real essence of thorough
engineering to a level that
is often absent in bikes of
twice the price
The mix of metallic black and shades of grey
add a touch of class and is a long way from
some of the hideously gaudy colour schemes
Suzuki have bestowed on earlier SV variants.
Remember the purple framed Gladius?
Even the 2-into-1 exhaust system is quite
attractive on this model. A low slung side
mounted muffler and reasonable run for the
headers, rather than some fugly pre-muffler
under the engine to ruin the lines of the bike
is a big positive.
The SV650X also represents Suzuki quality.
It is made in Japan, not India, Thailand or
China and it shows in many ways. The bike
feels solid and really does somehow exude
a real essence of thorough engineering to
a level that is often absent in bikes of twice
the price. Let alone in something that can be
had for $11,995. Add in to the value equation
the extra peace of mind that you are being
served and warrantied by a large and
reputable dealer network that only a major
brand like Suzuki can provide, and you have
an all round package with much to offer, for
not that much coin.