Bunch of lads knackered
but smiling after getting
up the hill on the hard
loop extension
morning but still managed to ride for four
hours before calling it a day, packing up
and winding my knackered but merry way
back to Auckland. The pristine trails on the
With just three of us on bikes marking out
Saturday while we were marking out was
the day before the ride, the whole forest was plenty of reward for giving up a day to help
ours. This is my favourite bit about marking
out. We were the only guys on the trails,
out a track the day before. The trails are all
which is always a treat, and what could
pristine, the puddles are still puddles and
be better than a day of riding? Yep... two
haven’t turned into mud holes big enough
days of riding. Next time you’re thinking of
to swallow a bike whole, there are no ruts
doing a trail ride or event, have a chat to the
and nobody is raring to get past you. Yep, it’s organisers and see if they need anyone to
pretty special.
help out – it might just be worth your effort.
Another thing I’ve learnt is there is a huge
amount of work which goes into making
a trail ride like this a seamless and fun
experience which can accommodate the
riding wants of everyone from gnarly racers
Huge thanks to Sean and Adele for their
to future young guns taking on the junior
welcome and hospitality over the weekend,
loop. I was absolutely shattered on Sunday
very much appreciated.